Eyes: This slot consists of goggles, lenses, monocles, spectacles, and other items that can be worn over the eyes.Chest: This slot consists of jackets, mantels, shirts, vests and other items that can be worn around the torso or chest.Body: This slot consists of body wraps, cassocks, corsets, dusters, harnesses, robes, vestments and any other article of clothing that can be worn on the body.Belt: This slot consists of belts and other items that can be worn around the waist.There are several categories of slotted wondrous items. If a creature has multiple body parts that correspond to a single wondrous item slot, it can still only gain the benefit of one item of that slot. If a creature is missing the body part where a wondrous item is worn, it cannot use that type of slotted item. Sometimes a slotted wondrous item must be worn for a period of time (typically 24 hours) before the item’s full effect manifests. Note: If you click on the image at right of a person showing the body slots, you can download a PDF that you can print and fill in yourself! Of course, a character may carry or possess any number of slotted items of the same type, but additional items have no effect until they are worn. When a character wears a slotted wondrous item he cannot gain the benefit from a wondrous items of the same slot until the first item is removed.

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Picture created by, and used with permission of, Mike Beals